About Us

Road runners club first for juniors and children

road runners

Why choose us

The first club for young people and children

The first club for young people and children in martial arts sports, football and physical fitness, as it includes a series of specialized clubs for young people from 4 years to 14 years.


نؤمن بأهمية الرياضة في تنمية شخصية الطفل واكتسابه مهارات شخصية وحياتية مهمة، لذلك نوفر للأطفال العديد من الفرص لكي يظهروا قدراتهم الفائقة ومواهبهم الجديدة من خلال التمارين المنتظمة وتنظيم المسابقات التي تشجعهم على التميز.


نهدف في أ كاديمية رود رنر إلى:
- تطوير مهارات الطفل في الرياضة التي يُحبها، بالإضافة لاكتشاف المواهب الرياضية في مختلف الألعاب والمنافسات.
- تعزيز القيم الايجابية مثل التعاون والعمل الجماعي والمثابرة بالإضافة إلى تعزيز الثقة بالنفس.
- تنمية القدرات الجسدية والعقلية وتحسين صحة الطفل النفسية والبدنية.
- توفير بيئة تربوية داعمة للطفل لتشجيعه على القيام بالنشاط الذي يحبه.

road runners

traniners number

+10 Professional coach

road runners

number of trained children

+5000 trained child

road runners

number of sports available

+10 sports

The importance of sports for children: A global conference was held in 1946 AD to draft the constitution of the World Health Organization, in the preamble of which the definition of health was mentioned as follows. Saudi Arabia by following the latest trends of international health organizations. As we aim at Andalusia for Child Health to take into account the six aspects of health in order to bring our children to the pinnacle of wellness, what are the six aspects of health? What is its relationship to the importance of sports for children? Come to learn more through this article

It is associated with many people that exercising is a form of entertainment and getting a perfect figure. However, the importance of sports for children has many dimensions that affect the six aspects of health and is not limited to being physical fitness exercises for children. Therefore, we present to you the importance of sports for children in a group of main points, as sports contribute to enhancing the childs immunity and resistance to various diseases such as heart disease and obesity. Sport promotes healthy and healthy growth of the childs muscles, bones and ligaments. Sport contributes to the childs acquisition of a healthy body shape and enhances the balance and equilibrium of the child. Sport contributes to reducing the childs risk of neck, spine and neck pain